Hello {{csrUsername}},
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Hello {{resellerUsername}},
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WiMax Plans
Available exclusively in South Australia and delivered by iiNet's own Adam Internet, WiMAX provides great value high speed broadband in areas where fixed line broadband is not available.
1. Select a plan
{{ plan.displayName }}
{{plan | planQuota}}per month
{{minTotalCostPerGb | currency}} per GB
Shaped Speed: 128/128kbps Learn more
Shaping is the term used to describe the slowing of a connection that’s exceeded its allocated monthly download allowance.
- Connectionswill be shaped once the total allocated allowance has been reached.
- No excess fees for going over your monthly quota.
Only downloads count towards your monthly quota when usage is in accordance with our Acceptable Usage Policy
WiMax Speeds: As with every internet connection, your actual speeds may vary due to factors such as the age and specification of your computer, the capabilities of your modem and the condition of your home wiring. In addition, the internet sites you access could experience strong demand, which will affect the site's ability to serve you information as quick as your connection speed.
2. Select contract length
({{ contractCost(36) | currency }} setup fee)
({{ contractCost(24) | currency }} setup fee)
({{ contractCost(12) | currency }} setup fee)
({{ contractCost(0) | currency }} setup fee)
3. Sign up now
All iiNet Residential WiMAX plans come with
Liimitless Data
No excess data usage charges or shaping.
24/7 customer service
Support when you need it most
Plan flexibility
Change between plans at any time
Renter-friendly plans
No lock-in contract means no break fees if you move